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3 i 1 vægscanner Expand

3 i 1 vægscanner

GM01BL/GM01Y (8)

23 stk på lager

Vægscanner fortæller dig nemt hvor i væggen der er metal, træ og strømførende ledninger, så du kan undlade at bore netop der. Den indikerer midten af objektet når man søger træ og metal. Kan bruges på vægge, lofter og gulve.

Flere detaljer

  1. Rapid detection of the central position of the stem
  2. LCD display, easy to read
  3. The center of the stem can be detected. The wall thickness is within 1/2 inch (13mm).
  4. The center of the stem can be detected. The wall thickness is within 1 inch (25mm).
  5. The center of the stem can be detected. The wall thickness is within 11/2 inches (38mm).
  6. Can detect iron, lead, aluminum and other metals, wall thickness within 2.36 inches (60 mm)
  7. Detectable live wires in the wall, wall thickness within 2 inches (51mm)
  8. All detection functions have automatic correction function.
  9. All detection functions have AC warning function.
  10. Display the edge of the wood rack
  11. Low Voltage Display

149,00 Kr.

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